Guidelines for Hiring Academic Faculty
Based on the U.S. Code for Federal Regulations, these guidelines provide general assistance on the faculty hiring process at Georgia Tech. Each college also has a Statement of Recruitment Procedures that define its particular practice; please consult school- and college-level hiring administrators for this information.
Be sure to review the Minimum Requirements for Academic Faculty Hiring by rank.
Position Advertisement
In most cases, full-time academic faculty positions should be advertised in a national professional journal (if printed) or in an online national professional journal for a minimum of 30 calendar days. When advertising for faculty positions, there are several pieces of information that should be included:
- Job title
- Job duties (specifically including the words “teach” or “teaching,” if applicable)
- Minimum requirements (such as earned terminal degree or professional credentials)
- Employer name and specific geographic location (e.g., “Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia”)
- AA/EOE statement (automatically included in internal Georgia Tech job posts): “Georgia Institute of Technology is an AA/EOE” (shorter preferred), or “Georgia Institute is an Equal Education/Employment Opportunity Institution.”
If you need further support, examples of faculty position advertisements are included in the Job Advertisement Requirements brochure provided by Global HR. For additional help in crafting job advertisements or other practices that support international hiring, contact the Georgia Tech Global HR Team.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 20 § 656.18 (2012).

To comply with AA/EOE policy and to support potential permanent residency applications for faculty, the hiring process for faculty needs to be documented. The following information needs to be preserved:
- Job advertisements. For printed advertisements, copies of the original ads or copies of the tear sheet should be maintained. Please note the names of journals and dates of publication. For online advertisements, printouts of the Web pages containing the ads on the first day of publication and the last date of publication and/or an invoice with the dates of publication. Please note the name of the online journal and web address.
- Candidate selection process. Faculty search committees should be able to provide information about their selection process. This information includes how each candidate was fairly evaluated on the minimum and preferred qualifications indicated in the job advertisement and how the successful candidate was more qualified than the rest. The Faculty Affairs Recruitment Toolbox contains forms that can help document the hiring process.